Cultivating. Teaching. Feeding.


We believe in food independence and the right to healthy food


What is Cleveland Roots?

Cleveland Roots is a community-based food hub and grower, offering educational programs, fresh produce and community gardens at our near west Cleveland Center that help our neighbors take ownership of their food and their health. 

We provide a place and programs to support community agriculture and empower people to grow food for themselves and their families. 

We provide affordable, fresh produce to our neighbors.
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Get Involved



Community Garden, Greenhouse & FArm

By way of our Center in the Clark-Fulton neighborhood, Cleveland Roots:

  • Grows and distributes food using a hands-on, community-based approach;

  • Provides a community center and programs to support urban agriculture;

  • Empowers people to grow food for themselves and their families.

Cleveland Roots does the bulk of its planting at our 17-acre farm in Richfield, Ohio, applying best farming practices. With the help of our volunteers, we grow fruit and vegetables, maintain a flock of chickens and four beehives to support pollinators and honey production.

Interested in our facilities or want to find out how you can grow with us?

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Programs & Classes

  • Adult | August 3, 2024 — Herbalism 101: The Power of Plants | co-hosted by Cleveland Roots and Herbalist Lauren Dicks | Register

  • Youth | August 10, 2024 — Cooking 101: Cooking in Season | Parent-and-child workshop co-hosted by Cleveland Roots and Chef Dave

  • Check back often for more upcoming events and workshops!



Corner Store

Our store on the corner of w.41 St & Robert is in the process of being renovated. When complete, we will provide the community with access to our local and organic foods, fruits and vegetables.

The store will be open 3 days a week – check back for our Grand Opening and store hours, coming soon!


Cleveland Roots Community Gardens

Cleveland Roots offers two separate community gardens in Cleveland and Richfield, OH. Click the button below to secure a plot at either location for the 2025 growing season. Email with questions.


Ready to help?

